UDSS History



Our founding father, the late Haji Mohd Anwar Hussain realized that there was a need to conduct classes for the younger generation to preserve the Urdu language in a multi-racial community. There was an increasing trend of inter-racial marriages among the Urdu-speaking community which did not provide the environment to promote Urdu.


Led by the very capable late-President Mohd Anwar Hussain, Urdu Development Society (S'pore) was initiated by a group of very dedicated people. The late President was an editor with local daily, The Straits Times till his retirement in 1981. His knowledge and love for the language encouraged many to seek his assistance to either learn the language or to translate scripts from Urdu to English and vice versa. He used to teach the language pro bono. He set up a community and registered it with the Registrar of Societies in September 1992.


Then, the Society's main objective was to be an education centre for conducting Urdu language classes for all levels. With the change in the expectations and demands of the Ministry of Education (MOE), we realized the need to adapt to meet the challenges.


We strive to provide quality education to our students in Singapore. In the near future, we hope to be a source and resource centre for the development of the Urdu language in three areas:


  • Academic;
  • Literature and poetry;
  • Art and drama.

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